JUMP TOteamscope-apiInvestigationsGet all investigationsgetCreate a new investigationpostGet an investigationgetGet all surveys of an investigationgetGet all webhooks of an investigationgetUpdate the webhooks of an investigationpatchGet all cases of an investigationgetGet all users of an investigationgetGet the audit trail of an investigationgetGet the billing of an investigationgetGet the permissions of an investigationgetGet the details of an investigationgetUpdate the details of an investigationpatchResponses and data entryGet all responses of an investigationgetGet a responsegetUpdate a responsepatchCreate a responsepostCreate a file of a surveypostGet the metadata of a blob (file)getGet the thumbnail of a blob (file)getGet a blob (file)getMark a blob (file) as uploadedpatchUpdate a casepatchCreate a casepostSurveysGet all responses of a surveygetCreate a new surveypostGet a surveygetUpdate a surveyputDestroy a surveydeleteClone a surveypostUsers and authenticationSubmit an onboarding surveypostCreate a userpostCreate a set of API keyspostCreate a password-less magic login linkpostCreate a set of API keys using a magic link tokenpostCreate a forgot password tokenpostCreate a set of API keys using a forgot password tokenpostGroups and invitesGet all groups of an investigationgetCreate a new user grouppostGet a user groupgetDestroy a user groupdeleteUpdate a user grouppatchGet all invites of an investigationgetCreate invites for an investigationpostResend an invitepostDestroy an invitedeleteGet the public invitation link of an investigationgetCreate a public invitation link for an investigationpostDestroy the public invitation link of an investigationdeleteUpdate the public invitation link of an investigationpatchGet the public invitation link of a groupgetCreate a public invitation link of a grouppostDestroy the public invitation link of a groupdeleteUpdate the public invitation link of a grouppatchJoin a group using an invitation link tokenpostJoin an investigation using an invitation link tokenpostGet users of a groupgetRemove a user from a groupdeleteGet the public invitation link payload of an investigationgetGet the public invitation link payload of a groupgetData exportsGet all data exports of an investigationgetCreate a new data export of an investigationpostGet a data exportgetDestroy a data exportdeleteArchive, delete and lock itemsDestroy items of an investigationpostArchive items of an investigationpostLock items of an investigationpostSaved viewsGet all views of an investigationgetCreate a new view of an investigationpostGet all responses of a viewgetGet a viewgetDestroy a viewdeleteUpdate a viewpatchNotifications and remindersCreate a new device of a userpostDestroy a devicedeleteUpdate a devicepatchGet all pending tasks of a usergetMiscellaneousHealth endpointgetGet public AWS secretsgetCreate a graphgetOrganizations and billingGet the billing of an organizationgetDestroy the subscription of an organizationdeleteUpdate the subscription of an organizationpatchCreate a Stripe Checkout sessionpostCreate a Stripe Customer Portal sessionpostGet all the quotas of an organizationgetGet all the plansgetPowered by Get users of a groupget https://api.teamscope.co/group/{groupId}/users